Illustration by Rachel Rosenkoetter, Anahata, the Heart Chakra
My Gift to You: Heartlight Meditation
This heart-centered meditation and visualization may help support your heart center and its energy. It may help you to feel more connected to your heart center, as well as to the Source of Love, your chosen form of the Divine, and to others whom we love including our beloved dead.
"Deep grief exists because of deep love. If we never loved, we would never grieve. How many would relinquish love to be free of grief? I would wager not many. The place of deep love and longing for our beloved dead is sacred. It is through love in that sacred space that transformation occurs. It is transformation we never asked for, but we are changed nonetheless. Grief and love are equally transformative." From The Chakras in Grief & Trauma, Anahata Chapter, the Heart Chakra