IADC is most effective for those whose loved one has died at least a year prior to the session. In some cases, a person who experienced a loss 6 to 12 months prior to treatment can have a successful IADC session. If you have experienced your loss within the last 6 months, please wait to pursue IADC. You can still reach out to me, for grief counseling, but IADC is not indicated until more time has passed. Support and grief counseling will still be helpful and I encourage you to seek out and take advantage of those supports at any point in your grief journey. Conversely, it also makes no difference if a lot of time has passed since the death of your loved one, IADC can be helpful.
IADC Therapy begins with a free 25-minute screening to assess whether this therapy may be right for you. I only accept clients for whom a positive outcome is likely. Please submit the form at this bottom of this page to request a screening for IADC therapy.
It is important to know that IADC can be a somewhat demanding treatment, requiring the client to set aside cognition (thinking, inner dialogue) while processing emotion, access and tolerate intense affect, and clear the mind of mental chatter. This can be very difficult to do (especially in acute and early grief--hence the time constraint). If you know this is difficult for you, practicing mindfulness meditation and simple breathing exercises can be helpful. I may suggest these for practice in the time leading up to our IADC session. You can also access free guided meditations with me here.
For clients seeking IADC via videoconferencing, we also need to assess whether that format will suit your particular needs. To request a screening please fill out the form at the bottom of this page. I will email you to set a date for the screening. I do not offer or require screenings for any service I provide other than IADC sessions.
If, upon participating in a screening meeting via phone or Zoom, I determine that you are an appropriate candidate for this treatment, we will schedule two ninety-minute appointments on two consecutive days for the IADC sessions. Rarely, a third IADC session may be helpful and this will be discussed on the second day of our time together if it is necessary.
Fees: IADC therapy with Karla is $200 an hour USD for the two ninety-minute sessions for a total of $600 for the complete treatment. If more than two sessions is needed, this will be discussed in your session. All sessions will be pro-rated based on the hourly rate for any extended time required.
Why do the IADC sessions have to be back to back?
The sessions are scheduled over two consecutive days because any sadness or distress not processed in the first session will be likely arise over the next 24 hours allowing these to be worked with in the session on the next day. If we wait longer than the following day, when there is time to go back to regular day to day life, people tend to go back to managing strong emotion in the usual ways in order to simply do life--avoid, intellectualize, compartmentalize, distract from, etc. A person is far more likely to get to the needed state of openness and receptivity for an ADC when emotions are at the surface and available to be worked with.
Do I have to believe in an afterlife or after death communication?
Belief plays no role in IADC, but having an open mind helps a person achieve the psychological state of receptivity in which ADCs occur. and at the surface.
Where do the ADCs come from?
IADC Therapy does not suggest a source for the experience. A client who believes the phenomenon is spiritual in nature can receive the same healing benefit as one who believes it is neurobiologically—based or otherwise explained. Though, most clients believe in the authenticity of their ADCs due to the nature of their own direct experience.
How long do I have to wait after my loved one has died before having IADC?
IADC is most effective for those whose loved one has died at least a year prior to the session. In some cases, a person who experienced a loss 6 to 12 months prior to treatment can have a successful IADC session. If you have experienced your loss within the last 6 months, please wait to pursue IADC. You can still reach out to me, for grief counseling, but IADC is not indicated until more time has passed. Support and grief counseling will still be helpful and I encourage you to seek out and take advantage of those supports at any point in your grief journey. Conversely, it also makes no difference if a lot of time has passed since the death of your loved one, IADC can be helpful.
Do I have to be feeling a lot of grief to have this therapy?
Successful ADCs can occur even if a person is not feeling or experiencing deep grief.
How will this help my grief?
Clients who undergo successful IADC therapy report significant reduction of the sadness and distress associated with the death of their loved one. They also frequently report resolution of any unsettled issues in the relationship with the deceased, and they report feeling reassured of their loved one’s wellbeing. Perhaps most meaningfully, however, clients report experiencing a deep sense of connection with their loved one and a transformation in feelings of separation. Successful IADCs do not require that the client be experiencing severe or even moderate grief.
Am I guaranteed to have an after death communication with my loved one?
The primary purpose of IADC Therapy is to address a client’s grief. A majority of clients experience an ADC, but not all do, and I cannot guarantee an ADC experience. A vast majority of clients, even those that do not experience an ADC, report a significant reduction in their sadness and distress as a result of their IADC treatment. It is important to remember that neither the client or the therapist is in control of the ADC.
What can keep me from having an ADC in a session?
Of the roughly 25% of clients who do not have an ADC during their session, this is generally because they cannot quiet their minds. If in the screening this comes up as an issue or challenge for you, you can begin to work on practicing simple mindfulness meditation practices, watching the breath, learning to allow the mind to quiet. If you wish, I can support you with one or two regular counseling sessions of teaching you mindful meditation practices to help you learn to settle the mind. Practicing this in the weeks leading up to your session can help support an ADC occurring in session. Click here to access some guided meditations you can access to practice anytime you like.
Can I have an ADC with more than one loved one?
In an IADC session, we focus on one loved one at a time as the focus of the session, but often other loved ones or pets have been spontaneously perceived by clients in their successful ADCs. You may also schedule additional IADC sessions to focus on other loved ones if you wish. We can discuss this after your initial sessions.
What will it be like if i have an adc?
ADCs experienced in IADC sessions, just as ADCs occurring naturally, can range from subtle to elaborate and anywhere in between. An ADC may be experienced as a felt presence, the sense of a touch, a familiar smell, visualizing, seeing, or hearing the person you love. An ADC can involve any of the senses, seeing, hearing, smelling, feeling, or simply "knowing." Most clients perceive a deep and loving connection through one or more of the five senses mentioned above or through some other unique perception. The experience is highly personal and individual.